How to Clean Carpet Stains

10 Ways on How to Clean Carpet Stains

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Surely vacuuming your carpet on a regular basis will keep it looking clean. But there are also tough stains that even the best vacuum for carpets can’t handle.

What are those?

Coffee stains, muddy dirt, wine or juice, are just examples of those stains.

Getting frustrated when your carpet gets that kind of stain is pretty normal. Because we know how careful you are to keep it clean. But there are unavoidable events that you just can’t get away with. 

And as much as you remind your visitors to be careful with the carpet, stains are just inevitable. Especially when there are kids playing.

remove stain on carpet

That’s the fact.

So instead of getting frustrated over and over again, why not get used to it and learn how to clean carpet stains.

Also check: 6 Tricks on How to Deodorize Carpet

What Are These Carpet Stains?

Here is the list of the stains you will probably encounter on your carpet:

  1. Dirt
  2. Wine or juice
  3. Coffee or tea
  4. Pet Stain
  5. Blood
  6. Ink
  7. Chocolate
  8. Paint
  9. Grease 
  10. Gum

If your carpet got stained from one of these, then you are in luck. Because we will show you how to remove it.

But the faster you act, the easier your job will be.

How to Remove Tough Carpet Stains [Video]

This quick video will show you how to remove tough stains like ink, grease, nail polish, and wine. If the stain that you are looking for is not on the list, then you can check below for more.

Simple Way How to Remove Stains in Carpet

Before you try anything else like using a carpet stain remover, you may want to try it first with water.

Yes, only water. When your carpet just got stained, it should not be too deep and it can be removed by water. 

It may not be recognized by many, but surely water is the best solution to carpet stains. 

Well, it also depends on what kind of stain your carpet has though.

Anyway, you should try to remove the stain with water first. But don’t rub it, only blot it.

If plain water doesn’t work, then you can proceed on to the next step like using a stain remover.

Here are a few reminders before getting into action:

  • In getting most of the stain out of your carpet, you just need to blot. Don’t rub or scrub.
  • Some chemicals are harmful to your skin, so always wear gloves.
  • Always follow the instructions of the stain remover you are using.

How to Remove Carpet Stains Using Stain Remover

how to remove carpet stain

Different kinds of stains surely need a different approach. But there are stain removers that are applicable to many stains like OxiClean Carpet & Area Rug Stain Remover. It can be very handy sometimes when you have some tough stains on your carpet.

Note. Always test it out in an unnoticeable area first for colorfastness. It may not be compatible to use on wool, leather, or silk.

How to Use It:

The fast you act the easier your job will be in getting out of the stain.

Step 1. Immediately remove the residue. 

Step 2. If it is wet, blot up the excess moisture by using a clean cloth.

Step 3. Then spray the product to saturate the carpet. Let it sit for 10 minutes to penetrate the stained area.

Step 4. Blot the stained area with a clean cloth. Then vacuum the area when it is completely dry.

Step 5. Repeat the process until the stain is gone. 

That’s simple!

To make it in 3 words: Remove, Spray, and Blot.

Anyway, not all stains can be removed with these simple steps. If you have specific stains that you want to remove, you can read more below. 

Top 10 Carpet Stains: 10 Ways to Remove It

Different carpet stains have different ways to remove. So if the simple method won’t work, let’s try a new method how to remove those stains. Let’s check it and know how to remove them from the carpet.

How to Clean Dirt From Carpet

Dirt could be the most common offender on carpets. While most of the dirt can be clean by a vacuum, there is still some dirt that is hard to get.

Materials Needed:

Step 1. If the dirt is muddy, allow it to completely dry before treating.

Step 2. Scrape off as much residue as possible before vacuuming.

Step 3. Then apply or spray the stain remover (OxiClean), and leave it for 10 minutes.

Step 4. Lastly, blot it with a clean white cloth. That should remove the dirt.

How to Remove Wine Stain on Carpet

Sometimes accidents happen at a party like spilling wine or juice on your carpet. Whether it is red wine, white wine, grape juice, or other related beverage. There is an easy way to remove it.

Materials Needed:

Step 1. Start by spraying some club soda.

Step 2. Use the microfiber cloth to blot it up.

Step 3. Repeat until the stain is removed.

How to Remove Coffee Stains in Carpet

Coffee stain how to remove stain on carpet

We know how much you love coffee on your daybreak. And sometimes coffee spillover on your carpet can not be prevented. But no worries! These two ingredients may save you.

Materials Needed:

Step 1. You need to blot the spill first.

Step 2. Then mix 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tablespoon of dishwashing soap.

Step 3. Apply the solution to the coffee stain.

Step 4. Let it sit for a few seconds, then carefully work it with your hand.

Step 5. Rinse it with water, and blot again.

Step 6. Repeat the steps until the stain is gone.

How to Clean Pet Stain on Carpet

Pets are so adorable, but they can get messy sometimes. And you will never know when your carpet gets urinated. So better be ready when it does.

Materials Needed:
  • Warm Water
  • Clean White Cloth
  • Vinegar

If necessary:


Step 1. Clean up the initial mess.

Step 2. If it is wet, you can use the “Simple Way” method above until the stain is removed.

In an event where the stain is already dry. You may need to use a pet stain enzymatic cleaner. This is also very useful to remove the odor.

Step 1. First, you need to moisten it with water.

Step 2. Then blot before applying the pet stain remover.

If the instruction is given, follow the product instructions.

Home Remedy:

Step 1. Mix ¼ cup of vinegar with a quart of warm water.

Step 2. Then spritz it on the stain. Allow to soak it for several minutes before blotting. 

Step 3. Repeat until the stain is removed. 

How to Remove Blood Stains in Carpet

In removing a bloodstain on your carpet, it is very important to use cold water instead of warm water. This will prevent the blood from spreading throughout the carpet.

Materials Needed:

If necessary:


Step 1. Apply cold water or club soda to the bloodstain.

Step 2. Then blot with a clean cloth.

Step 3. Repeat the process until the stain is removed.

In there is still blood that can’t be removed. Then you might need to use some stain remover like OxiClean. It is bleach-free and ideal for bloodstains. 

Step 1: Although Oxiclean needs to be mixed with warm water to be diluted, it is still possible to use cold water to mix it for bloodstains.

Step 2. Then apply it to the blood-stained carpet. 

Step 3. Start blotting until dry, and rinse.

Step 4. Repeat if necessary.

How to Remove Ink on Carpet

Children often play with ink in your house, and sometimes spill it on your carpet. It is also true that ink can cause devastation to your carpet. But with your quick reflexes and some handy products in your house, you can remove the ink in no time.

Materials Needed:

Step 1. Moisten the clean white cloth with isopropyl alcohol.

Step 2. Then blot the ink stain. Don’t rub or scrub.

Step 3. Let it sit for a few minutes, then use a wet/dry vacuum to remove the excess moisture.

Step 4. Repeat the process until the stain is removed.

Other than isopropyl alcohol, you can also use nail polish remover, hairspray, and other products that contain alcohol. 

You can even use white wines or vinegar. But be extra careful in using these products. Test it first in an unnoticeable area to make sure that these cleaning solutions will not damage your carpet.

Note: When using these kinds of chemicals, always rinse with water, then blot or vacuum the area until it is dry.

How to Get Chocolate Out of Carpet

Everyone loves chocolate, but not everyone wants to clean the mess of chocolate on the carpet. There should be several ways to remove chocolate stains on your carpet. And we will show you two easy methods.

Materials Needed:
  • Clean White Cloth
  • Cold Water
  • Dishwashing Detergent

If necessary:


Step 1. Directly run cold water on the carpet stain.

Step 2. Using your dishwashing detergent and a clean cloth, carefully rub the stain in a circular motion.

Step 3. Then rinse the area with cold water.

Step 4. Repeat the process until the chocolate disappears.

In an event where chocolate is already dried, you may need a butter knife and a carpet stain remover like OxiClean.

Step 1. Use the butter knife to scrape the chocolate away as much as possible. Make sure to do this carefully.

Step 2. Then mix some stain remover (OxiClean) with water and apply it to the stain. Make sure to read the instructions for the stain remover you are using.

Step 3. Let it sit for 1-5 minutes and don’t let it dry.

Step 4. Use the white clean cloth to blot and lift the chocolate stain.

Step 5.  Repeat if necessary.

How to Remove Paint Stains From Carpet

remove paint on carpet

When you are retouching the paint in your house, sometimes you just can’t prevent the spill of paint on the floor or carpet. But worry not, we will show you how to remove those paint stains from your carpet.

Materials Needed:
  • Paper Towel
  • Dishwashing Detergent
  • Butter Knife (or a Dull Knife will do)

If necessary:

Removing Water-Based Paint:

Step 1. If it is still wet, then you just need to blot the spot with a wet paper towel.

Step 2. If it is already dry, then use hot water and a little bit of dishwashing detergent.

Step 3. Let it sit for a few minutes to soften the paint.

Step 4. Once the paint is softened, scrape the paint stain by using the butter knife. Continue to add the solution as you scrape. 

Step 5. In any case that the paint is not softening, you may need to use a handheld steamer while scraping the paint.

Removing Latex Paint:

Step 1. First, blot the to remove wet paint.

Step 2. Then mix a cup of warm water with a teaspoon of dishwashing detergent.

Step 3. Gently blot the stained area. Work from outside to the inside.

Step 4. Let it dry completely then follow up with a vacuum.

Removing Oil-Based Paint:

Step 1. Use a steamer to soften the stain if the paint is dry.

Step 2. While steaming, use a needle or a pin to break it up.

Step 3. Continue until the paint is removed. Be careful not to damage the carpet fibers.

How to Remove Grease From Carpet

Whether it is grease or fat-based stains like butter, margarine, gravy, and others. There is one effective product which you can find in your kitchen. That is baking soda. It is surely a well-known cleaning product that is cheap, yet so effective.

Materials Needed:

If necessary:


Step 1. Sprinkle the stain with baking soda.

Step 2. Let it sit for a few hours or until baking soda absorbs all the grease.

Step 3. Use the vacuum to suck the debris.

Step 4. Then moisten the cloth with isopropyl alcohol and blot.

In an event where there is still grease remaining on your carpet, you may need to use a product specifically for oil like Carpet Stain Remover (Lifter). Read the directions on how to use the product.

How to Remove Gum From a Carpet

Kids just love to eat gums and sometimes spit it out on the carpet. Well, you are lucky if you get it whole, but what if it’s already stuck on the carpet? Here’s what you need to do.

Materials Needed:
  • Ice Cube
  • Resealable Plastic
  • Spoon or Butter Knife

Step 1. Peel away the gum as much as you can.

Step 2. Use the ice cube and resealable plastic to harden the gum. Just place it over the gum.

Step 3. Then by using a butter knife or spoon, carefully chip the gum away.

Step 4. Repeat the process until the gum is gone.


There are a number of ways to clean up carpet stains. If you’re not sure which one will work best for your needs, drop some comments below and we’ll give you the scoop on what’s been working well in our own homes!

We hope you find what you are looking for. If not, feel free to let us know and we will do our best to answer it.

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Chris and Ann

Hi there! howtoCleanHome is a site where you can check some tips, and tricks on how to clean your home. As they always say, "nothing beats a clean home."

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