6 Tricks on How to Deodorize Carpet

6 Tricks on How to Deodorize Carpet

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If you’re someone who’s been trying to find a solution to that embarrassing smell coming from your carpet, then this blog post is for you.

Believe it or not, there are some simple tricks on how to deodorize carpet and make your home smell fresh again.

We will be discussing 6 different ways in which you can freshen up your carpets!

How to Deodorize Carpet

deodorize carpet

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a must-have in every home. It can be used to absorb spills, odors, and even stains from carpets! We know it sounds crazy but baking soda has been known for years as an all-purpose cleaning agent by many cultures around the world.

So if you notice any strange smells coming out of your things from home like carpet. Then try to apply baking soda.

Simply sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda across the entire carpet. And leave it for a couple of hours. If the smell is too strong, then let it sit overnight.

Use a vacuum to clean the carpet thoroughly or get rid of the powder.

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The best way to get rid of musty carpet odors is with vinegar. And you don’t have to use harsh chemicals, just a few spritzes will do the trick!

A mixture made from one cup of water mixed in two cups of warm tap water makes an excellent spray bottle for getting that mildew smell out of there fast and easy.

If the odor is too strong, you can also add 2 teaspoons of the mix. This will make the mixture more effective.

All without using any harmful substances or leaving behind expensive cleaners at home when on vacation.

Vinegar has been knowns as “the world’s most popular cleaning agent” because not only does its sour taste kill germs but also removes dirt stains causing an unpleasant odor.

No more heavy sighing while looking down into your carpet again.

Enzyme Cleaner

Having pets at home can sometimes gives us a headache. Especially, when it poop or urinate on the carpet.

This may result in a sour or bad smell to the carpet that is difficult to get out of.

And the best way to get rid of pet odors is by using an enzyme cleaner. These are available in any home improvement and supply store.

You can also purchase it online like Amazon.

With these cleaners, it will eliminate even the toughest traces of lingering pet smells. Just follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to apply.


Vodka is an excellent stain remover. With the help of this clear liquid, you can clean up almost any mess and get rid of stubborn odors as well!

After treating a stain, just spray some vodka on it for extra cleaning power! Let it sit for around 15 minutes.

Then blot it using a paper towel. You can also use baking soda to help get the moisture out. Vacuum up any remaining messes from your carpet as well so all is left in its rightful place.

Baking Soda and Dried Herbs

This method won’t cost you much as you can find the ingredients in your pantry. It is inexpensive but still works effectively.

All you need is half a cup of baking soda and a teaspoon of your favorite dried herbs.

The very popular ingredients are rosemary and cinnamon, but dried flower-like lavender will also do great.

Crushing the herbs in a food processor would also be great since it can help spread the scent better. But this is optional.

Just combine the mixture in a small container, then sprinkle it across the carpet. But avoid creating any piles since it won’t make the power more effective.

Let the mixture sit on the carpet for an hour, then thoroughly clean it using a vacuum.

Carpet Shampoo

Your carpets are one of the most important aspects in your home. If you have persistent bad smells coming from them, it might need some extra attention.

You might need to deep clean it to get rid of that lingering aroma once and for all!

This can be time-consuming especially when you have a huge carpet area. A carpet cleaner like Bissell ProHeat 2x Revolution would be a great help for you. Hoover PowerDash is also a good choice but more affordable.

Anyway, if renting is available from your local hardware or supply store, then you can just rent it.

There’s a lot of carpet shampoo out there. We recommend choosing the one that states “remove odors” like Bissell Professional Pet Urine Eliminator or Carpet Miracle.

You can find these at any hardware store or online retailers too.

Just follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the recommended amount of shampoo. Go plug the machine and press the trigger to apply the solution. Go over the area a few times and press the trigger as you pull back to extract the solution.

A carpet cleaner is very effective in deep cleaning your carpet. It will also leave your carpet nearly dry, which means it reduces the risk of mold or mildew.

You can also check the video below on how to deep clean your carpet.

Why Does My Carpet Smell Bad After Cleaning?

The main reason a carpet smells bad after cleaning is that the backing isn’t completely dry.

If it’s left wet for too long, optimal conditions won’t be met and mildew can develop which will cause your carpets to have musty odors as well as being potentially hazardous if you’re allergic or sensitive towards them in some way.

So, make sure to dry the carpet completely before using it again. The bad smell should also disappear once the carpet is fully dry.

How to Keep Carpet Smelling Fresh

It can be a bother to deodorize your carpet every few weeks. So if you want to prevent this from happening, here are a few things that you can do.

Create Good Ventilation

To avoid unpleasant smells from settling in your carpet fibers, keep a well-ventilated room by opening windows for fresh air.

Creating a crosswind will be more effective. To do this, open one of the two slightly and the other all the way if you have two openings across each other.

You will definitely feel the fresh breeze as the wind will be forced through.

Plus, it will also keep the humidity down which will keep mold and mildew at bay.

Always Clean Spills As They Happen

The biggest offender of carpet odors is spills. It is very understandable though if you have children and pets in the house.

So, as soon as spills happen, make sure to treat them quickly. The quicker you act, the lesser your work.

And to do that, make sure to have a spot cleaner in a spray bottle ready.

Clean Regularly

Vacuuming your carpet regularly is one way to keep it clean. But of course, it is not just the carpet we need to clean to keep our house fresh.

Even your vacuum and other things need to be clean.

To deodorize your vacuum, simply add some laundry crystals. And it will spread an aroma throughout.


It is always better if you can prevent the bad odor from getting bigger. You should treat it as soon as possible, and regularly clean your carpet.

This way you can keep your carpet smelling fresh.

We hope these 6 tricks help you solve your problem in deodorizing your carpet. What is your favorite trick? Share them in the comment section below. We love hearing from others!

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Chris and Ann

Hi there! howtoCleanHome is a site where you can check some tips, and tricks on how to clean your home. As they always say, "nothing beats a clean home."

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