How to Get Pet Hair Out of Carpet (8 Easy Ways)

How to Get Pet Hair Out of Carpet (8 Easy Ways)

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As much as pet owners love the sweet little nudges, hugs, and affectionate kisses that come from their pets, they should always be prepared for the inconveniences that come with owning a pet.

It would be nice if there weren’t fur on carpets! Hair shed by pets will inevitably get into carpets.

Don’t worry, in this post, we are going to show you how to get pet hair out of the carpet.

How to Remove Pet Hair from Your Carpet

Getting rid of pet hair on carpet does not always require special chemicals and solvents. There are a few ingredients and tools you can use to remove pet hair when it comes to your carpet, whether it is short or long.

Vacuum Cleaners for Pet Hair

Regular vacuum cleaners may not work on pet hair. Fine furs can get tangled in the bristles of the vacuum brush, making it difficult to roll over the rug as it should.

This task can be accomplished with special vacuum cleaners for pet hair. These vacuums are equipped with the necessary suction and filters for pet hair removal without clogging up the system.

For best results, follow the instruction below:

  • Being slow and sure is the best way to clean carpets. You should start at your carpet’s far edge, and move forward in a straight line.
  • Pull the machine back to you by following the straight line. Upon moving up and down, the fibers in the rug will be lifted revealing the hair underneath.
  • A thorough clean can be achieved by turning your carpet 90 degrees and alternating machines side by side. By adding more effort, you’ll be able to pick up any remaining fur you may have missed the first time.
  • It is possible for fine hair strands to clog the canister. In this case, you can make sure they scoop up every single hair on the carpet by cleaning the brushes. Additionally, it will save you from having to go over the same spots repeatedly.

Lint Rollers

chomchom lint roller

For picking up pet hair from carpets, lint rollers are a must-have tool. No matter what the occasion, lint rollers will help you with your cleaning tasks.

ChomChom Roller Pet Hair Remover is one of the best lint rollers that you can use. It has sticky sheets that peel off in layers, exposing a new sheet every time it is used.

Once the sheet no longer feels sticky, unwrap it and toss it out. If the sheet is full, roll and remove until the dirt has been removed.

Rubber Gloves

Looking for a chemical-free method of cleaning your carpet? A cheaper alternative to the expensive carpet cleaners on the market is rubber gloves.

You can also use a latex glove, similar to those readily available in the cleaning aisle, to clean your carpet – no special supplies are needed.

The static power of a rubber glove helps carpet fur stick to the glove on the hand.

How to remove carpet pet hair using rubber gloves:

  • Wear the rubber glove. Make sure you submerge your hands in water before rubbing the carpet. By wetting the glove, you will lift the hair from the carpet and make it stick to it.
  • Make sure you rub in a single direction in order to collect a lump of hair at a common area.
  • Discard the hair gathered on the gloves elsewhere and rinse them off by immersing your hand in warm water. This will loosen the hair from the gloves. Repeat until you have removed all of the hair out of carpet.

Carpet Rakes or Rubber Broom

By combing through the carpet with it, this broom-like tool uncovers even the deepest pet hair hiding deep within. In addition, it comes with a long handle, so you don’t need to kneel when cleaning.

Each stroke of the rake’s head traps and pulls the carpet’s hair deep into the carpet’s fibers.

Follow these steps to use a carpet rake:

  • Make sure the handle is adjusted and that the head is clean.
  • Adjust the handle height so you can operate it comfortably.
  • The head needs to be pressed to the rug as you pull it down lightly the fabric in short strokes. If the carpet has long fibers, you can use longer strokes.
  • Clean one spot at a time, moving onto the next as soon as the fur has been removed.
  • After the head is covered with hair, remove the buildup on the rake and dispose of it.

Fabric Softener

It’s not always necessary to buy costly cleaning detergents. Simply use the fabric softener you usually use on your laundry, water, a spray bottle, vacuum, or brush.

You can follow these steps:

  • Make a solution by mixing water and liquid fabric softener. Use a spray bottle to dilute the fabric softener and water.
  • Lightly spray the solution on the carpet. Make sure you do not spray too much of the solution on the fabric.
  • Let the solution dry for a few minutes. You shouldn’t have to wait long if you spritz lightly.
  • By using fabric softener, stubborn pet hair becomes looser, allowing you to vacuum or brush it out more easily.

Hair Brushes

When it comes to removing pet hair from carpets, a hairbrush is a handy tool. You should use a brush with stiff metal bristles.

To brush deeply into the carpet’s fabric, you can use short and long strokes in various directions. Make sure that each stroke leads towards you and to a common collection point, where you can pick out any pet hair lumps that form.

Your brush’s bristles will occasionally clog due to the fur sticking to them. It may be necessary to stop occasionally to pull out the hair strands and then continue to brush. Keep brushing until the hairs are no longer visible on the brush.

Rubber Squeegees

That’s right. A carpet can be squeegeed in the same way as a window. When you squeegee a rug, you can remove tons of pet hair because the rubber part is a hair magnet.

Follow these steps to use the rubber squeegees:

  • Apply pressure to the squeegee while pulling it along the carpet. Make sure you work in sections. It will take effort, but it is worth it. In this way, rubber removes tumbleweed-like balls of pet hair from fabric.
  • After a few strokes, the rubber will loosen the embedded hair, which can be picked up and disposed of. Keep going until the pet hair is gone.
  • A vacuum cleaner for pet hair can be used to remove stubborn hair or fur from the carpet.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is easily available in your kitchen unlike other far-out pet hair removal solutions. A vacuum cleaner and a packet of baking soda are all you need.

Sprinkle a light coating of baking soda over your carpet and let it sit for a few minutes. Now vacuum the carpet thoroughly in order to get rid of the pet hair strands.

In addition to loosening pet hair from the rug’s fabric, baking soda also deodorizes the carpet.

How Often Should You Clean Your Carpet with Pets

Our pets are our best friends. And they are our snuggle-buddy too. They also love leaving us tokens of affection. You may see a toy, a blanket, pet hair, or muddy paw prints, or you may see a mess that’s a little more gross.

All pets have accidents that their owners need to clean up from time to time. This is what pet parents must cope with.

Pet owners don’t usually mind, except when they wake up at 3 am, but it is a good reason to clean carpets regularly to maintain the cleanliness of their homes.

Keep your carpets clean by vacuuming one to two times per week to remove pet hair, dander, and tracked dirt. Three to four times a year, pet owners should shampoo carpets for a deeper clean.

It is easy to remember when it is time to deep clean your carpets by cleaning when the seasons change!

But how often you should clean your carpet depends on how many pets you have and how long their hair is.


What is the easiest way to remove pet hair on carpet?

The easiest way to remove pet hair on carpet is to use a vacuum cleaner for pet hair. But if not available, using a fabric softener to break the static cling will be handy.

Can pet hair cause shortness of breath?

Pet allergy sufferers will experience symptoms that are consistent with nasal inflammation. The symptoms include a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, watery or itchy eyes, and shortness of breath

What happens if you accidentally swallow cat hair?

You won’t hurt yourself if you swallow a little bit of cat hair. But the situation would be different if the amount was large.  

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Chris and Ann

Hi there! howtoCleanHome is a site where you can check some tips, and tricks on how to clean your home. As they always say, "nothing beats a clean home."

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